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Remming Projects
Srbija / Serbia / Serbien / Serbie
Hrvatska / Croatia / Kroatien / Croatie
Rumunia / Romania / Rumänien / Roumanie
Bugarska / Bulgaria / Bulgarien / Bulgarie
Mađarska / Hungary / Ungarn / Hongrie
Nemačka / Germany / Deutschland / Allemagne
Švajcarska / Switzerland / Schweiz / Suisse
Austrija / Austria / Österreich / L'Autriche
Španija / Spain / Spanien / Espagne
Italija / Italy / Italien / Italie
Francuska / France / Frankreich / France
Velika Britanija / United Kingdom / Großbritannien / Grande Bretagne
Grčka / Greece / Griechenland / Grèce
Belgija / Belgium / Belgien / Belgique
Danska / Denmark / Dänemark / Danemark
Švedska / Sweden / Schweden / Suède
Holandija / Netherlands / Niederlande / Pays-Bas
Poljska / Poland / Polen / Pologne
Francuska Gvajana / French Guiana / Französische Guayana / Guyane Française
Vijetnam / Vietnam / Vietnam / Viêt Nam
Koreja / Korea / Korea / Corée
Indonezija / Indonesia / Indonesien / Indonésie
Urugvaj / Uruguay / Uruguay / Uruguay
Moldavija / Moldova / Moldawien / Moldavie
Maroko / Morocco / Marokko / Maroc
Rog Afrike / Horn of Africa / Horn von Afrika / Corne de l'Afrique
Litvanija / Lithuania / Litauen / Lituanie
Kazahstan / Kazakhstan / Kasachstan / Kazakhstan

Shell boilers

Remming shell boilers can be manufactured as fire tube boilers and smoke tube boilers. Remming shell boilers can be delivered as HiFlux boilers or common fire tube/smoke tube boilers.

HiFlux Boilers

HiFlux boilers are constructed as two-pass and three-pass boilers with the application of ERK tube®. The benefits of these boilers include higher heat-transfer coefficient and higher reliability with dusty flue gases. Due to the usage of dimple structured ERK tube®, increased heat transfer efficiencies and a reduced fouling inside of the flue gas tubes can be realized.

Therefore, compared to common plain tube boilers, HiFlux boilers have some significant advantages, such as

  • smaller size and weight, which enables better space availability
  • extension of boiler availability (longer cleaning intervals)
  • reduction of delivery costs
  • reduction of site assembly costs
  • reduction of maintenance costs (less flouling = less cleaning required)

Hot water boilers

Two pass boilers / Three pass boilers

Steam boilers

Two pass boilers / Three pass boilers

Heat recovery boiler