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Remming Projects
Srbija / Serbia / Serbien / Serbie
Hrvatska / Croatia / Kroatien / Croatie
Rumunia / Romania / Rumänien / Roumanie
Bugarska / Bulgaria / Bulgarien / Bulgarie
Mađarska / Hungary / Ungarn / Hongrie
Nemačka / Germany / Deutschland / Allemagne
Švajcarska / Switzerland / Schweiz / Suisse
Austrija / Austria / Österreich / L'Autriche
Španija / Spain / Spanien / Espagne
Italija / Italy / Italien / Italie
Francuska / France / Frankreich / France
Velika Britanija / United Kingdom / Großbritannien / Grande Bretagne
Grčka / Greece / Griechenland / Grèce
Belgija / Belgium / Belgien / Belgique
Danska / Denmark / Dänemark / Danemark
Švedska / Sweden / Schweden / Suède
Holandija / Netherlands / Niederlande / Pays-Bas
Poljska / Poland / Polen / Pologne
Francuska Gvajana / French Guiana / Französische Guayana / Guyane Française
Vijetnam / Vietnam / Vietnam / Viêt Nam
Koreja / Korea / Korea / Corée
Indonezija / Indonesia / Indonesien / Indonésie
Urugvaj / Uruguay / Uruguay / Uruguay
Moldavija / Moldova / Moldawien / Moldavie
Maroko / Morocco / Marokko / Maroc
Rog Afrike / Horn of Africa / Horn von Afrika / Corne de l'Afrique
Litvanija / Lithuania / Litauen / Lituanie
Kazahstan / Kazakhstan / Kasachstan / Kazakhstan

About us

REMMING D.O.O. was established as a company providing services in engineering, manufacturing, assembly and overhauling of boilers

Since 1990 Remming d.o.o. has been successfully providing services in the boilers industry from its headquarters in Novi Sad, Serbia and its manufacturing facility in Beočin, Serbia. After a number of successful years in the boiler servicing, Remming began the production of its own boilers, particularly “tailor-made” water tube boilers. Today, Remming is a modern and efficient partner in accomplishing important infrastructural and industrial projects.

Remming’s goal is to fulfill all the needs and requirements of all its clients while at the same time complying with existing standards and regulations.



In operation

Remming boilers are suitable for use under fluctuating loads and fast start-up which is especially important for heterogeneous fuel mix systems (i.e. waste incineration units). Additionally, Remming ERK construction is suitable for facilities with cogeneration of energy.

Maximum flexibility

Remming boilers can easily be adapted to the client’s needs regarding the size of the boiler room, the conditions for exploitation, the fuel utilized, etc. This is of great importance during the facility planning phase as Remming boilers are tailored according to specific requirements.


Depending on the client’s demand we are able to offer a wide range of boilers with different capacities, pressure and temperature.

Thus far, the ERK constructed boilers have been in the range of:
Steam rating: 0,4 – 290 t/h
Steam pressure: 0,8 – 14,1 MPa
Steam temperature: up to 540 °C
Hot water boiler: up to 175 MW

Higher performance boilers are possible on demand.


A wide range of different fuels may be used for firing Remming boilers, which is an advantage to both the plant designer as well as for the end user. In addition to conventional fuels such as coal, natural gas, light fuel oil and heavy fuel oil, alternative fuels are used, such as various types of waste (MSW, RDF, wood waste, etc.), biomass (wood, bark, peat, sunflower husks, corn husks, straw, etc). Remming offers also waste heat recovery boilers suitable for application with gas engines, gas turbines, furnaces (EAF or similar), incinerators.



Realized projects in 20 countires


1000 projects

Operating fluid

  • Hot water
  • Saturated steam
  • Superheated steam
  • Thermal oil


An Integrated quality management system is applied in our company, in order to achieve high quality of our products and on the satisfaction of our clients:


Remming d.o.o. operation

Address: Negotinska 3
City: Beočin
Telephone: +381 (0) 21/870-676/677
Fax: +381 (0) 21/871-391